Project Kaida - October 2023

Before and after - our new kitchen and library

The redevelopment of The Gurkha Museum, also known as Project Kaida, will position the Museum as the global focal point for Gurkha heritage. This capital appeal to reinterpret The Gurkha Museum has several strands of work: 

• to deliver a five-year funded innovative outreach and engagement programme to inspire our loyal supporters and attract new audiences;
• to strip out and refit the two permanent exhibition galleries to ensure more of our collection is on public display and ensure the Museum becomes a must-see destination;
• to digitise the archives to provide universal access; 
• to update the kitchen area to improve the quality of our functions;
• to remodel the library into an international research and education centre with hybrid capability.

From the photographs, you can see that the kitchen is complete, and library is almost complete. The re-opened kitchen will better support all future functions held at The Gurkha Museum. The library has been designed to better accommodate researchers, from the academic to the curious, and can better support meetings and lectures with state-of the-art technology while being surrounded by documents detailing over 200 years of Gurkha heritage. 

If you would like to discover more about Project Kaida, help fund these renovations and/or discuss naming possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact Emma,



© The Gurkha Museum Trust Winchester - Registered Charity Number 1169920 (formerly 272426)