Gates of Bronze by Lt. Col Phillip Holmes OBE

Gates of Bronze by Lt. Col Phillip Holmes OBE
Gates of Bronze is Philip Holmes’ inspirational and moving memoir of personal and professional triumph against the odds, of enduring love, written by a man who looked death in the face and vowed, “I will not give in.”When Philip’s first wife, Esther Benjamins, took her own life in January 1999 he refused to be overwhelmed by grief and despair. Instead, he turned his back immediately upon a promising career as a British Army officer and set up a charity for Nepalese children to perpetuate Esther’s love and burning sense of social justice.So began a remarkable spiritual and physical journey that took him to living in Nepal – a country of which he had no prior knowledge – in his bid to rescue hundreds of children from prisons, the streets and modern-day slavery.
“Philip Holmes is a natural storyteller but also a fighter with endless enthusiasm which shines through these pages. It’s impossible not to read this book without believing that some people have the power to move mountains. He may be one of them.”– Anne Sebba, journalist and historian biographer