The Queen’s Truncheon Replica

The Queen’s Truncheon Replica
Accession Number: 2007.10.71
On 30th November 1863, at Lahore in India, the “Queen’s Truncheon” was presented to the 2nd Goorkha (The Sirmoor Rifles) Regiment as a gift from Queen Victoria. This Truncheon replaced a third Honorary awarded to that Regiment (now part of The Royal Gurkha Rifles) for distinguished service at the Siege of Delhi in 1857.
The Truncheon, which is also known as the ‘Nishani Mai’ is held in considerable reverence by members of the Brigade of Gurkhas, as it is symbolic of over 200 years of service to the British Crown. New recruits to The Royal Gurkha Rifles are expected to take part in a ceremony where they are required swear their allegiance to the Crown by touching it. As would be expected, the drill for manoeuvring the Queen’s Truncheon on parade is unique, with the Truncheon Jemadar (the bearer of the Truncheon) and Escort traditionally marching on parade at a speed slightly faster than standard Rifle Regiment pace.
This smaller replica of the truncheon is held by the Gurkha Museum.